Early Campaigns on Earth-H

The two previous major campaigns that I have GMed on Earth-H were:

The Alpha Response Team (ART) Campaign- In this campaign all of the characters were part of a project sponsored by the Delta Futurous corporation that granted all of them superpowers.  The corporation sponsered the Alpha Response Team and it allowed for a campaign that was more travel oriented.

Among the characters were the Agent, Blue Cheetah, Red Falcon, the (new) Shadow, Shillelagh, and Walking Thunder.

The ART campaign was world spanning. Some of their better adventures were saving an Alien Princess in London, fighting DAEMON agents in Kansas, travelling to the American Empire alternate world (very briefly), defeating Affrighter as he made his bid for godhood under New York City, and surviving Murderworld.

The Northwest Protectorate/ Pacific Knights Campaign- This was a more traditional campaign in the sense that the characters were independent heroes who formed a team.  They first appeared in Portland, Oregon, as The Northwest Protectorate.  Then, after a variety of misadventures, The Northwest Protectorate became a PRIMUS/ FBI associated team in Seattle.  Lastly, the team was reconstituted as an international team, with Canadian and Japanese members, and renamed the Pacific Knights.  As the Pacific Knights the team returned to its roots with their US base in Portland, Oregon.

The primary character in all incarnations of the team was RamJet, a former VIPER hench-villain turned hero.  (RamJet was the only character to serve on all three teams.)  Other characters were Bowmaster, Butterfly, Crucible, Feedback/ Stormfront, Midnight Blue, Superion, and Warlock.

The team helped rescue the Pacific Northwest from control by the white supremacists, broke the hold of the Cold Front on Seattle, and had a constant rivalry with the villainous Dr. Future and her Future Force.

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